Finden Sie schnell bio honig für Ihr Unternehmen: 3 Ergebnisse

Miel Tilo

Miel Tilo

Miel Tilo. Características: Color: ámbar o muy claro. Aroma: floral, intenso, con componentes afrutados. Sabor: dulce con un componente ácido. Zona de producción: zona centro de Europa. Color:ámbar o muy claro. Aroma:floral, intenso, con componentes afrutados. Sabor:dulce con un componente ácido. Zona de producción:zona centro de Europa.
Miel Azahar

Miel Azahar

Miel Azahar Color:ámbar claro o muy claro. Aroma:recuerda la flor de azahar, intenso y persistente. Sabor:con gusto dulce dominante Zona de producción:Franja mediterránea y sur de la península.
Honey with Propolis and JAO

Honey with Propolis and JAO

Oleohealth® honey with propolis and olive tree polyphenols is a delicious and healthy product, ideal for adults and children. Its organoleptic and beneficial properties for the organism are due to the synergy of its ingredients. The organic honey is harvested in beehives located in the middle of nature and with processes that respect the environment and its inhabitants. Propolis and olive juice are added, creating a unique product that brings together compounds with publications that speak of their anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, immunomodulatory and antioxidant properties, very interesting to prevent and recover from colds during the cold and long winters. The products are totally natural and are made with ingredients from different wild flowers, such as heather, holm oak and organic olive tree, packaged through physical processes, without incorporating preservatives or artificial sweeteners.